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December 3, 2011

World of Warcraft Deck Building Game Coming Spring 2012!


Originally posted on IcV2 -

Cryptozoic Entertainment has announced the Spring 2012 release of Clash of Champions, a new deck-building game that will feature the characters and themes from the hugely popular World of Warcraft MMORPG. Cryptozoic, which publishes the popular World of Warcraft Trading Card Game, has expanded its license by creating a deck-building game, and Cryptozoic's President Cory Jones promises "to put our own spin" on the mechanics of the new deck-building game.

Clash of Champions will include over 400 game cards, and will have a suggested retail price of $45.00. The new game will accommodate from two-to-four players, who begin the game with a small pool of cards that is expanded throughout the game play.

Clash of Champions adds a role-playing element to the deck-building mechanics by allowing players to customize their iconic World of Warcraft characters with special abilities that help them fight off monsters and collect treasures.

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