Battle Cry Civil War Board Game Coming November 23
The original Battle Cry is one of those gems that everyone interested in tactical war gaming recommends you play but man! -- you can't find around anymore. Now here's your chance (and our chance) to get our collective hands on this International Gamers Award winner and grand daddy of the modern tactical war gaming.
The first Battle Cry hosted numerous American Civil War battles and was based on the popular and easy to learn Command & Colors battle system (BattleLore, Memoir '44, Battles of Westeros). The title was a tactical board game breakthrough when it arrived on the scene in 2000 due to its approachability and streamlined play. Now it's returning again with 30 scenarios - that's twice the number as before, new artwork an a few rule tweaks, all set for publication in late November 2010 from Wizards of the Coast (ex Avalon Hill).
We're a bit concerned about how Wizards will handle the components for this release, because they've been.. how do you say... cheap over the last few years. Still, this is going to be a must by for anyone who hasn't tried out Battle Cry and is looking for a good, solid, tactical level historic war board game that will stick out in the sea of fantasy releases over the last few years.
Here are the official details:
"From 1861 to 1865, the United States was at war with itself. The battles of the American Civil War have taken a place in the fabric of American history. And here is your chance to recreate 15 of those Civil War Battles.
Battle Cry elegantly and simply recreates the Civil War experience. The gameboard can be setup with woods, hills, houses, and other features to recreate the specific terrain of the battle. The game system involves using cards to issue orders to specific units on the board. Combat dice decide the outcome of an attack, modified for terrain, distance, and other factors. Whenever a unit is completely destroyed, the victor gets the flag from that unit. Collect six flags first and win the battle.There are also rules for campaign play. "
We'll let you know when Battle Cry starts appearing in stores in just a few more weeks.
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Posted by Critical Gamers Staff at November 2, 2010 4:20 PM