September 3, 2010
Part 1
Part 2
Civilization 5 - the PC Game not the Board Game - is slated to ship to stores later this month. Now, if you're not already a Civlization fan then you're in for a treat... but the above movie is probably not for you. Instead checkout our previous story Civilization 5 Preview Debuts at E3 for a nice introduction about what to expect from a game int his venerable series.
So with the utter flop of the recently released turn based strategy game Elemental War of Magic, CIV 5 has become our bright shining hope for strategy games on the PC. Shoveled in behind the standard hype machine facade of any PC game releases is the fact that every installment of the Civilization franchise has soaked up at least a hundred hours of our time. Now throw in the potential for multiplayer (which Civ 4 had but we had horrible problems with it) and we have our strategy game fix for probably the next six months.
And This new Civ installment looks fantastic. Everyone makes note of the lack of unit stacking and the new hex setup that sprawls armies across the country side. That surely will add depth to the tactical aspects of the military game, but other aspects of the strategic game look amazing as well. You can now further customize your nation beyond the standard leader selection with the new Social Projects feature. These are elements that you can pursue that add even more traits to the various military, cultural and economic aspects that steer your civilization. Ever installment provides 'a new, dynamic diplomacy system' and for once Firaxis might have nailed it. Autonomous City States will be scattered throughout the world, each adding narrative elements to the map by requesting help from other civilizations, or via trade requests, etc. It's a sort of quest/reward system that compliments your nations epic journey and adds sideshow, short term goals to your overarching strategy.
Checkout the videos above for more information. They're shakeycam but they're so worth the muted sound and unstable bounciness. And if the graphics of the living world look this good here then they should be stunning when you're playing the game in full 1900x1200 detail in just a few weeks.
Enjoy the weekend!
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Posted by Critical Gamers Staff at September 3, 2010 4:50 PM