Zoloretto Coming to iPhone and IPod Touch

The 2007 Spiel des Jarhes (German Game of the Year) winner is coming to your jeans' back pocket, and within just a few weeks to boot. SpinBottole Games has announced that they're porting Zooloretto to the iPhones and iPod Touch. The title includes the standard Zooloretto Board Game, but also includes these following other features:
- Use the touchscreen to drag and drop animals and vending stalls into your zoo
- Drag the "roller blind" from the top to gain an overview of your zoo and the zoos of the other players
- Unlock new player characters and future add-ons in the integrated shop
- 3D-view for zoos, animals and vending stalls
- Animations and sounds of the animals makes you feel like you are in a zoo
- Learn exciting details about all animals from the game in the encyclopedia
- Play against the computer or up to 4 other players (Pass'n Play)
iZooloretto is slated for release in "April 2009", which is sometime between now and the next 2 weeks -- we worked that out for you in case a panda accidentally ate your calendar. So look for the game to soon appear in your Grocer's Freezer (ala the Apple App Store)
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Posted by Critical Gamers Staff at April 10, 2009 3:33 PM