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March 12, 2007

Critical Gamer's Weekly Digest

A Letter From the EditorAttention K-Mart Shoppers!

We want to keep you up to date on the best gaming news and views from around the world. And to that end, we've been hard at work in the back room creating tools that'll make your reading experience more enjoyable and even easier than ever.

Our solution is the Critical Gamers Newsletter: a weekly email digest of the posts on Critical Gamers signed, sealed, and delivered directly to your email inbox every Monday morning. That way, you can keep up with every bit of gaming news you might have missed during your busy work week.

We promise not to bombard you with email or sell your name to evil marketers. We just want another way to communicate with you - our reader. So checkout the right sidebar and enter your email in the Mailing List section to join our weekly digest, simply click here.

Critical Gamers Staff at Permalink social bookmarking

August 11, 2006

A Letter From the Editor - Trading Card Game Fridays

LetterFromEditor.8.11.06.jpgWe had a meeting early this week decussing the potential for a regular installment article for Friday afternoons. A few theme ideas went around the table, with the most popular being an article on Trading / Collectable Card Games.

We're not really a website that focuses too much on the genre, but we realize that there are cool things coming down the pipe during the second half of this year. We thought that one TCG day out of five was probably a good ratio. So from here till Christmas expect our Friday stories to revolve around all things cool in TCGs.

If you have any requests or suggestions for TCG articles, or if you want to give us heads-up on news or rare TCG games that you're following, etc, please let us know!


David DB
Editor at

Critical Gamers Staff at Permalink social bookmarking

December 1, 2005

About Critical Gamers

We're tired of hiding it. We eat, sleep and dream games. If our brains have any spare cycles then they're usually spent daydreaming about game strategies, game theory, etc. CriticalGamers was founded as an emotional outlet to share gaming experiences and to report on gaming-news regarding upcoming products, variants, and other under-the-radar gaming titles. We feel that the gaming industry is about to hit a boom, and we hope we can make the general joe-schmoe once again feel comfortable about draggin' out a box o' games for friends, a dinner party, or the inlaws.

Products for Review: If you work for a manufacturer of Board Games, Collectible Cards Games, or related products, I welcome any opportunity to test and/or review your product here on this site. Please to discuss getting reviewed.


David Della Bitta - Founder and creator of

Besides swooning over board games and collectible card games, Dave has been a leading contributor to the Computer and Video Game News site for two years now. He also coordinates CriticalGamer GameNight, a Cambridge Massachusetts based game-club that gathers to play the latest and greatest social games, and discusses the strengths and weaknesses of various gameplay and social mechanics. These are the sorts of things that fascinate him.

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