May 26, 2011

To say this sale is huge is an understatement. As of this posting there are approximately 1300 different toys, puzzles, book rpgs, board games, and card games on sale from about 30-50% off the regular price. They have even included a filtering system to help sort through all the goodness. There is one catch though, some of the items on sale are in limited quantities, so you have to get them quick! They promise to update the site every 5 minutes so the games that are out of stock should be removed from the list. Head over to the site and check out all the amazing deals. Now is a great time to catch up on some titles you may not have been able to afford the first time around.
At Funagain Games Cleaning Sale 2011
Critical Gamers Staff at
May 11, 2011

Gamewright (Forbidden Island, Rory's Story Cubes) has recently announced a new game line that focuses on portability and quick fun. Dubbed the "Port-a-Party" line of games, this month will see Joe Name It and Who Would Win titles released. Joe Name it features a fast-playing "name it to claim it" quiz game that will find out if you are smarter than the average Joe. Who Would Win looks to take that age old question and twist it around a bit. Like "who would win a shuffleboard match: Bob Marley or Confucius?" Players must convince the judge their answer is the best.
At Joe Name It
At Who Would Win
Critical Gamers Staff at
May 8, 2011

FlipOut from Gamewright is a recent re-release of a title previously known as Patchwork designed by Daniel Weaver back in 2008. FlipOut is a family game meant for 2-5 players, ages 8+, and takes about 15 minutes to setup and play. I am not familiar with the original version but from what I have gathered from my research, the only difference between the original and the Gamewright release are the holders. The holders are made of wood and are one solid piece in Patchwork; whereas in FlipOut they are plastic and separated into two pieces for easier storage. A special thanks goes out to Gamewright for supplying a copy for review!
Continue reading: "Review: FlipOut - Hey, Don't Mind if We Do!"
Critical Gamers Staff at
May 6, 2011

Nerds and Geeks rejoice! Tomorrow is a great day for all of us. Not only is it Free Comic Book Day but gaming stores all over the world will be holding New Phyrexia prerelease events giving us TCG fans a look at the new set a week before the decks go on sale. In addition, players will receive the exclusive Sheoldred, Whispering One promo card (while supplies last) just for experiencing the latest Wizards of the Coast offering. If you can, I suggest you attempt to attend one of the larger regional events which will offer additional attractions such as single-card dealers, artist signings, and Magic game celebrities. Please note that the attractions will vary upon each location so check the Regional Prerelease Schedule for any available regional events near you.
For more information regarding Free Comic Book Day, head over to the official website at
For more information about what New Phyrexia Prerelease events are happening near you and additional information about the events, visit Wizards of the Coast information page - New Phyrexia Prerelease

Critical Gamers Staff at
May 3, 2011

The latest issue of the Z-Man Games newsletter has been released and can be found on their website (Z-Man Games). The newsletter gives us insight into three of their upcoming titles: Mondo, Palenque, and Guards! Guards! which is a game based off Sir Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels. Read on for more information about these great upcoming titles!
Continue reading: "Z-Man Games Newsletter Issue 29 Available"
Critical Gamers Staff at
April 28, 2011

The fifteenth expansion for the World of Warcraft trading card game has been announced by Cryptozoic, called Twilight of the Dragons. In this third and final of the Worldbreaker set, Deathwing returns to Azeroth. In their plans for destruction of everything the Alliance and Horde hold so dear, He and Lady Sinestra release the Twilight and Black dragonflight who grow more powerful with death and sacrifice.
Twilight of the Dragons will include 80 common, 50 uncommon, 20 hero, 60 rare, 10 epic and 3 new Loot cards including a new flying mount. Cryptozoic will continue the premium Epic Collection offering which will include -
- 6 Twilight of the Dragons Booster Packs
- 1 Twilight of the Dragons Playmat and Deckbox
- Collectible storage box with class dividers
- 1 Loot card
- Twilight of the Dragonsvisual pocket guide
- 5 random foil Twilight of the Dragons heroes
Which means that you are guaranteed a pet loot card if you purchase the Epic Collection. Look for Twilight of the Dragons to be released to stores on July 26th.

Critical Gamers Staff at
April 21, 2011

Fantasy Flight Games has made a lot of fans happy yesterday with their release of Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. Lord of the Ring fans, card game fans, and cooperative fans can all rejoice at this latest offering and considering that I fall into all three of those categories, I am beyond stoked. Meant for 1-2 players (up to 4 with two core sets), the Lord of the Rings is being dubbed as the first cooperative living card game on the market. Players build their decks with characters easily recognized from J.R.R. Tolkien's fiction and based off four different spheres of influence (tactics, lore, spirit, and leadership) and must work together to stop the forces of Sauron. Boasting 226 cards that can be separated into multiple decks, the core set will include 3 perilous quests that use different combinations of monsters and settings that will give the players a different experience each time they play. The Lord of the Rings is being marketed as a living card game, so expect monthly adventure packs to continue to expand and enthrall players. The Shadows of Mirkwood cycle has been announced with three different adventure packs to be available soon: The Hunt for Gollum, Conflict at the Carrock, and A Journey to Rhosgobel. Pre-orders for The Hunt for Gollum can be placed at Funagain Games and stay tuned to Critical Gamers for all your adventure pack info.
Critical Gamers Staff at
April 17, 2011

White Goblin Games (Rattus, Inca Empire) has announced their second release of the year, a card game called Cherokee from Saboteur designer Fréderic Moyersoen. The great, wise Yonaguska has just died and the Cherokee tribe needs a new leader. The player must elevate members of their clan as high as possible in the pyramid while keeping their clan color a secret as players battle each for feathers to be selected as the new leader of the tribe. Look for Cherokee to be released in May 2011!
Critical Gamers Staff at
April 4, 2011

Alderac Entertainment Group (AEG) announced War of Honor, the latest in the Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG line. War of Honor will include four pre-built decks for the Dragon, Lion, Phoenix, and Scorpion Clans and will be ready to go for 2-4 players right out of the box. The game will contain the four decks, a scoreboard, markers, movable tiles that bring that help bring a different game to each session, and tiles for the other five Great Clans making War of Honor compatible with any existing L5R cards. War of Honor will hit stores in June 2011.
Here is some additional information from AEG -
Continue reading: "AEG Announces War of Honor the Next Legend of the Five Rings Release"
Critical Gamers Staff at
March 31, 2011

Hot on the heels of the release of Nightfall, the highly received card game, Alderac Entertainment Group (AEG) has announced a stand-alone expansion called Martial Law. Martial Law will bring an additional 300 cards of new spell powers, vampires, werewolves, hunters, and ghouls. The expansion also adds the new "Feed" mechanic adding new tactics and strategies. Martial Law looks to continue the story as well as expand the game and will contain the great art we have come to expect from Nightfall. Expect Martial Law to be available for purchase in July 2011.
Critical Gamers Staff at