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March 30, 2011

Can You Be the One to "Spot It" First?


While at PAX East, I was fortunate enough to play Spot It, from Blue Orange Games. This extremely fast paced matching game was a total blast to play. There were 3 of us playing at PAX and 2 more joined later, but the game is meant for 2-8 players and a round can take anywhere from 10-20 minutes to play. The game comes with 55 cards with 8 images on each card, and according to the publisher, "there is always one, and only one, matching symbol between any 2 cards." While I haven't spent the time to verify this, there was never a time where there wasn't a match somewhere. Each of the 4 different game variations will have you testing your visual perception and matching skills, while also verifying that you can be quick on the draw. The game comes in a small cylinder that is great for traveling and is a great way to have some family fun with the kids. For $10, it makes a great gift, stocking stuffer, or reward for a good report card.

At Spot It

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March 25, 2011

Zombie Dice Will Have You Rolling for Brains


Zombie Dice is a fun, easy to learn, and quick to play action packed dice game published by Steve Jackson Games in 2010. It is a 3-8 player game that takes about 10-20 minutes to play. Zombie Dice is a great party game and with the zombie theme, everyone should be having a blast in no time. For only $10 you can't go wrong.

At Zombie Dice

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March 21, 2011

Legions of Darkness - Can You Hold Off the Legion Until the Final Twilight?


Legions of Darkness is the new 8th installment in the States of Siege solitaire line from Victory Point Games. Designed by Chris Taylor, Legions looks to take the series into the fantasy realm with a small rag-tag band of defenders and heroes trying to hold off the advancing fronts of the greenskin or undead armies. Will Legions of Darkness hold off the adversary or will the walls crumble under the pressure?

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March 11, 2011

Victory Point Games Releases Legions of Darkness


From Victory Point Games -

The Final Twilight now awaits you!

Designer Chris Taylor has busted down the walls here at VPG yet again, and has brought forth the solitaire, fantasy States of SiegeTM game, Legions of Darkness. Until reinforcements can arrive, you must survive the relentless attacks from ghastly creatures and monsters for three days and two nights.

Besieged on all sides by dark legions, with limited supplies and even fewer defenders to man the walls of Highmoor Castle, you must make many wise decisions. Strategize how to marshal your heroes, where to plan your attacks, what spells to cast, and which deadly traps to build at your castle.

Pitted against hordes of undead skeletal riders, giant armored orcs, and even the fearsome dragons, can you withstand the siege? Defend your castle and survive the Legions of Darkness!

For all the details and to order Legions of Darkness -
At Victory Point Games

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February 28, 2011

Newsapalooza - Critical Gamers 2/28/11


It seems like this might be turning into a somewhat consistent thing here at Critical Gamers. We are getting so much awesome news that if we don't post multiple times a day, we would never get it all out there. Why not just grab a bunch of the best articles and toss them together into a massive news update?

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February 11, 2011

We Must Tell the Emperor: Can You Help the Red Sun Rise to Victory?


Japan: the land of the rising sun, a nation of proud and industrious people, and the main focus of the game We Must Tell the Emperor, published by Victory Point Games (VPG) in the later half of 2010. In this 7th installment of the States of Siege solitaire series, players must control Japan during the Pacific Theater of World War II, from 1941 to 1945, and protect it on multiple fronts from advancing Allied forces, all while balancing resource consumption.

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January 31, 2011

Do You Have What it Takes to be a Jedi Master?

Force Trainer.jpg

Do you have what it takes to be a Jedi Master? Do you have the ability to make objects levitate using only The Force of your mind? Well, with Star Wars Science - Force Trainer you can put that mind to the test and train it to be a ball lifting machine!

Okay, okay, so I know what you are going to say; "This isn't a board game or a card game, what gives"? Well technically it's not a game but let's examine this, shall we? First off, it's Star Wars. Epic? Check. Secondly, you lift a ball using your mind. Epic? Check. Third, the video below is one of the most amazing things we have seen. Epic? Oh yeah. Finally, you lift a ball using your mind! How awesome would it be to hear, "The Force is strong with this one"?

At Star Wars Science - Force Trainer

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January 27, 2011

Victory Point Games Releases TC Tennis


Here's something not seen everyday: A release announcement for a game that combines sports and strategy in a card game package. Well, Victory Point Games decided it was time for one. Today they announced the release of TC Tennis, their first ever sport strategy game. While known for their historical military games, VPG has branched out this time. While it appears to be similar to
En Garde in terms of strategic card playing, TC Tennis aims to score an ace in a seldom used genre for the card and board game industry.

Here are the official details:

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January 26, 2011

Triplica: A Simple, Quick, and Fun Addition to Any Game Night


Triplica, published by Fun Q Games in 2010, is a simple, quick, and easy to learn card game, meant for ages 7+. It employs a straight forward matching system to complete goals. The player must place 'Play Cards', which have a unique set of 3 symbols, onto the existing piles to create 3 of a kind either horizontally or diagonally, in hopes of matching one of their 'Goal Cards'. As simple as it sounds, there are actually 3 different versions of the game you can play (they sure do enjoy that number, don't they?): All Play, Single Play, and Solitaire. The All Play and Single Play versions support 2-6 players, and the Solitaire version is just that, solitaire.

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January 24, 2011

White Goblin Games is about to Get Nuts!


Whether it be something in the brownies or that they are just plain insane, Netherlands' White Goblin Games is about to 'Get Nuts'. WGG has just announced their latest card game will be released this quarter.

So what does going nuts get us? Here is information from their press release:

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January 7, 2011

Qwirkle Board Game is Mensa Winner


We've been playing this with our our 6 year old and they love it. The games last around 30-40 minutes, and you'd think that's too long but it's not. The game is all about mixing and matching and as the title suggest a bit quirky. Qwirkle is also a Games Magazine Award: Best Family Game Runner-up 2007, and Mensa Best Mind Game Award Winner 2007.

At Qwirkle Board Game

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