Twilight of the Dragons Announced by Cryptozoic

The fifteenth expansion for the World of Warcraft trading card game has been announced by Cryptozoic, called Twilight of the Dragons. In this third and final of the Worldbreaker set, Deathwing returns to Azeroth. In their plans for destruction of everything the Alliance and Horde hold so dear, He and Lady Sinestra release the Twilight and Black dragonflight who grow more powerful with death and sacrifice.
Twilight of the Dragons will include 80 common, 50 uncommon, 20 hero, 60 rare, 10 epic and 3 new Loot cards including a new flying mount. Cryptozoic will continue the premium Epic Collection offering which will include -
- 6 Twilight of the Dragons Booster Packs
- 1 Twilight of the Dragons Playmat and Deckbox
- Collectible storage box with class dividers
- 1 Loot card
- Twilight of the Dragonsvisual pocket guide
- 5 random foil Twilight of the Dragons heroes
Which means that you are guaranteed a pet loot card if you purchase the Epic Collection. Look for Twilight of the Dragons to be released to stores on July 26th.

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Posted by Critical Gamers Staff at April 28, 2011 8:12 AM