May 21, 2011

Fantasy Flight Games has announced the plans to bring the hit 3rd person shooter Gears of War, from Epic Games, to shelfs and tables across the land. Designed by Corey Konieczka (Mansions of Madness, Battlestar Galactica), Gears of War will pit the COG against the hordes of the Locust in memorable battles from the first two games of the series. We know what Corey is capable of and we know how awesome Gears of War is, so we are super excited about what this could be. However, there are not a lot of video game to board game adaptations out there so this could mark a start of a new genre cross-over or deserve to be at the chainsaw end of a Lancer. Head over to the Gears of War product page for more details.
At Gears of War
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Critical Gamers Staff
May 19, 2011

Days of Wonder have announced the release of Ticket to Ride for the Apple iPad, the fastest growing mobile and gaming device on the market. This release puts Ticket to Ride on at least four different types of media including the original board game, Xbox LIVE Arcade, and online. Ticket to Ride has been called one of the best gateway games for families and the fact that it exists now in multiple forms only serves to expand the success of Euro Games. Ticket to Ride will be available for $6.99 from the iTunes App Store for the base game and for a short time offer, the additional maps of Europe, Switzerland, and USA 1910 will be available as in-game purchases for an introductory price of $0.99 per map.
For additional information check out the official announcement over to the Days of Wonder website.
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Critical Gamers Staff
May 18, 2011

Eagle Games has announced their latest title, Dragon Rampage, a cooperative, but competitive, fantasy dice game that couples dice rolling with some more traditional board and card game mechanics. Dragon Rampage is designed by Richard Launius who has brought us some of our favorite titles in Arkham Horror and Defenders of the Realm.
Here is more information from the official release announcement about what we can look forward to with Dragon Rampage -
Dragon Rampage is a strategic dice game for 3 to 5 players. Each player becomes one of the adventurers (all with different abilities) trying to score the most points at the end of the game by fighting against, and/or running from the dragon that just woke up, and by tallying up the treasure and gold obtained in the dungeon. Players roll 7 specially designed dice and choose whether to focus on: grabbing treasure (from the dragon or from another player); fighting the dragon; protecting themselves (and their treasure); or running for the exit. Try not to draw the dragon's attention as you make your way, and note too that your fellow adventurers may hinder (or aid) your strategy. Beware, the final scoring changes depending on how the game watch your step!
"Sure, the treasure around the sleeping dragon looked like it would be easy to get. At least the Rogue was convinced that sneaking in and grabbing an arm load of loot would be a cinch...things were going well until the Barbarian knocked over a stack of golden platters and the Dragon awoke. Needless to say, he was not too happy to see us going through his treasure. The first to run was the Rogue, as usual -- hide in the shadows is her motto -- but a Paladin never runs when a fight is at hand. So I hefted my sword and attacked, expecting to see lots of help, minus the Rogue of course. Instead, as I was bringing down my sword, I saw out of the corner of my eye, the Wizard AND the Dwarf edging toward the was going to be one of those days."
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May 16, 2011

If you live near or plan on visiting Roseville, Minnesota from tomorrow, May 17th to the 22nd then I highly suggest you stop by the Fantasy Flight Games Event Center for their Spring Forward Sales event. FFG will be offering fantastic deals on their extensive catalog and their partners: Games Workshop, Cipher Studios, Nexus Games, and Sophisticated Games. You can expect discounts of 50% or more on hundreds of the titles and if you get a ridiculous deal, make sure you buy some for us!
More information can be found at Fantasy Flight Games Event Center website
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Courtesy of Victory Point Games release announcement -
From designer Nathan Hansen comes a quick paced, deep decision rich, abstract strategy BattlessonTM game, Battle of 4 Armies.
Match your skills against up to three opponents, for your goal is the Crown of Chip! Through the judicious used of unit placement and maneuver, you struggle to capture opposing units to knock them out of play, or hold the majority named spaces on the board.
With pressure for the center of the map and maneuver around its edges, players have myriad ways to approach every turn of this absorbing game!
Make your move and be the one to restore the crown in the Battle of 4 Armies!
At Battle of 4 Armies
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May 15, 2011

Members of Mensa get together at the Mensa Mind Games and announce 5 titles that earn their prestigious Mensa Select award. The award is given to games that are "original, challenging and well designed" and that is exactly what you get with Pastiche. An innovative title that takes the players into the world of art, which is seldom traveled in our industry. Players must combine primary colors to create the appropriate palette required for one of 34 of the most exquisite European artworks of the last six centuries. This beautiful game has been heralded by many to be one of the best family gateway games since Alan Moon's Ticket to Ride.
At Pastiche
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Critical Gamers Staff
May 14, 2011

Pergamon is the highly anticipated new game from designer Stefan Dorra (For Sale) and Funagain Games is letting us get in on the action by providing a discount and free shipping until midnight EST on Monday May 16th. Pergamon is an archeological expedition title where players must secure funding to begin excavation on the ancient ruins of Pergamon. Depending on how fast you get funding and how much funding you can get, will determine if the players are able to secure lucrative dig sites. Head over to Funagain Games and get in on this sweet deal before time runs out!
At Pergamon
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Critical Gamers Staff
May 12, 2011

Castle Panic was released by Fireside Games back in 2009 and is the type of story that I personally enjoy; seeing a small unknown designer/publisher produce a title that makes a big splash in the industry and that is exactly what you have here. Meant for 1-6 player and takes about an hour to play, Castle Panic puts the players in the center of the board trying their their hardest to defend off waves of monster attacks from all sides of the board. What is great about this game is that it is cooperative but still competitive. Players must work together to defend the castle, but the person who has the most victory points from the battle is declared the Master Slayer. If you enjoy fast paced, frantic games, that build up suspense but require cooperation and coordination (think Pandemic), then Castle Panic will be right up your alley.
At Castle Panic
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Critical Gamers Staff
May 11, 2011

Gamewright (Forbidden Island, Rory's Story Cubes) has recently announced a new game line that focuses on portability and quick fun. Dubbed the "Port-a-Party" line of games, this month will see Joe Name It and Who Would Win titles released. Joe Name it features a fast-playing "name it to claim it" quiz game that will find out if you are smarter than the average Joe. Who Would Win looks to take that age old question and twist it around a bit. Like "who would win a shuffleboard match: Bob Marley or Confucius?" Players must convince the judge their answer is the best.
At Joe Name It
At Who Would Win
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Critical Gamers Staff
May 8, 2011

FlipOut from Gamewright is a recent re-release of a title previously known as Patchwork designed by Daniel Weaver back in 2008. FlipOut is a family game meant for 2-5 players, ages 8+, and takes about 15 minutes to setup and play. I am not familiar with the original version but from what I have gathered from my research, the only difference between the original and the Gamewright release are the holders. The holders are made of wood and are one solid piece in Patchwork; whereas in FlipOut they are plastic and separated into two pieces for easier storage. A special thanks goes out to Gamewright for supplying a copy for review!
Continue reading: "Review: FlipOut - Hey, Don't Mind if We Do!"
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